An Introduction…

Cal Shaw
2 min readApr 26, 2020

So week 2, the first full week of Term 2, has finished. I refuse to begin this post by repeating the much-derided phrase that seems to accompany the plethora of Covid-19 related posts that have appeared in education circuits and instead, choose to refer to a favourite quote of mine.

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
Mark Twain

Although Mark Twain refers to the belief that traditional schooling systems were built to dispel creativity and independent thought, in our current situation, it almost seems apt in describing how we as teachers have not let remote learning stop us from doing our jobs. In this instance, schooling has not interfered with education. You’re right, perhaps that’s a long string to draw, but alas, I’m choosing to view the positives in what may be the first world-wide transition to online learning, without apparent major incidents for the majority of students.

It’s true that online, remote and distance education has always existed and arguably successfully. Before this began, I had started my online Masters of Education and was impressed with the comprehensive units that had been constructed. Look at job postings in the education sector on LinkedIn in the last two years and you’ll see a plethora of postings for online platform creators or consultants.

This event feels different though. For the first time, we are addressing the real issues with education, innovating in a real and meaningful way. We are no longer just mindfully engaging with tech for the sole purpose of making money or emulating teacher instruction. Better yet, issues of equitable access to devices, the importance of social interaction in schools, the moral role of the teacher in society and the workload of teachers have all now finally been given a spotlight.

In an attempt to add an authentic voice to these discussions, to provide first-hand accounts of this event in history, so that I and others may learn from our collective narrative and experiences, I have chosen to record my thoughts. In short, this blog will be my means of shouting into the void, with the hope that my voice may contribute to a broader discussion around the issues that arise as a result of this pivotal moment.

